I get to call this work: learning about Young Living’s Mineral Make up


Right now as I reflect I am Feeling so blessed! Thank you @dragonflyandspruce and @myjoannamalone for today’s opportunity to learn more about Savvy Minerals by Young Living’s new mineral make up line! So many benefits to moving towards preventative care and removing yucky chemicals from my life style. I am loving this journey I am on with you all towards health, wellness and abundance. 😍❤ I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude to call this work! To love what I do and be able to intertwine what I am learning in order to help myself, my family and friends and to just help people. There is so much synchronicity going on between grad school, aba work and the oily work I am doing.

Digging a little deeper…

The past couple of weeks I have been going through roller coasters of emotions. Even though I KNOW I am on the right path and doing the right things I have been feeling so overwhelmed and at times paralyzed with my anxiety and depression. Between juggling grad school, working my ABA job and working as an entrepreneur with Young Living/ blogging/ and the realm of holistic healing it has been A LOT. The past few days I have been connecting with some special and important people in my life and it has been so healing! During these times of stress I make sure to up my selfcare and taking time to learn about Young Living mineral make up, get my make up done and connect with these ladies has been a form of self care (education so I can remove unhealthy chemicals from my lifestyle) even though it’s “work”. Though it’s hard I know it’s worth it. I love my support system and the folks in my life.