I get to call this work: learning about Young Living’s Mineral Make up


Right now as I reflect I am Feeling so blessed! Thank you @dragonflyandspruce and @myjoannamalone for today’s opportunity to learn more about Savvy Minerals by Young Living’s new mineral make up line! So many benefits to moving towards preventative care and removing yucky chemicals from my life style. I am loving this journey I am on with you all towards health, wellness and abundance. šŸ˜ā¤ I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude to call this work! To love what I do and be able to intertwine what I am learning in order to help myself, my family and friends and to just help people. There is so much synchronicity going on between grad school, aba work and the oily work I am doing.

Digging a little deeper…

The past couple of weeks I have been going through roller coasters of emotions. Even though I KNOW I am on the right path and doing the right things I have been feeling so overwhelmed and at times paralyzed with my anxiety and depression. Between juggling grad school, working my ABA job and working as an entrepreneur with Young Living/ blogging/ and the realm of holistic healing it has been A LOT. The past few days I have been connecting with some special and important people in my life and it has been so healing! During these times of stress I make sure to up my selfcare and taking time to learn about Young Living mineral make up, get my make up done and connect with these ladies has been a form of self care (education so I can remove unhealthy chemicals from my lifestyle) even though it’s “work”. Though it’s hard I know it’s worth it. I love my support system and the folks in my life.

Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Spiritual Self and Environment Series 3: Spirit

YES! Series 3: Spirit! If you havenā€™t already read Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Spiritual Self and Environment Series 1: Home please click here & for Series 2: Body please click here. Ā Ā 


  1. See a professional Holistic Practitioner, an Energy Healer, a Reiki Master, get a massage, go to Acupuncturist, a Nutritionist or a Therapist. This not only helps to identify any areas in your life that you may need to focus on to clear out anything but is a great act of self-care. When you take care of your mind, body and spirit, you are able to function at your highest potential. If you need any suggestions on where to find any of the professionals listed above, I know a lot of great ones, so feel free to contact us for a referral. Ā 
  2. Do a release ceremony. A Release Ceremony is where you have identified what you want to change in your life and you have acknowledged you want to let go of what no longer serves you. There are a few ways to do a Release Ceremony. One way is to journal about what you want to let go of and release it by burning it. Ā Another way is to pray or meditate and Give thanks for any lessons or growth that has been experienced. A Release Ceremony is tailored to a personal preference and there is no wrong way to do one as long as the intention is there to Release.
  3. Treat yourself. Allow yourself to do something nice for yourself. Take time to read a book youā€™ve been wanting to start. Take an epsom salt bath with Young Living Essential Oil blend Stress Away. Light candles and meditate on what you are grateful for. This is your moment to enjoy, relax and let go.
  4. Build yourself an altar. An altar allows you to have a space to do rituals, pray or meditate. Find items that are sacred to you and that make you feel good. This altar is all yours and needs to hold personal meaning to you.
  5. Music and Sounds. Music has the ability to change the mood of the environment almost instantly. Uplifting music emits a higher frequency which attracts positive people, experiences and stimulates the environment to foster a harmonious vibe. Also, wind chimes are very good to have in and around your home. The windchimes help to break up any stagnate energy.


About Arlene:

Hello Beautiful People! Iā€™m so happy to be here with Rhona sharing tips, techniques and tools to Spring Cleaning your environment and most importantly, yourself!

But first, a little about me.

I am 100% a Southern California girl. I take advantage of the sunshine we have here and Iā€™m outside in nature most days. I love learning and Iā€™m always up for learning anything new. I really enjoy teaching people how to develop themselves spiritually, professionally and personally. I have had a passion for seeing people have healthy and harmonious relationships since I was very young. I can remember helping my friends resolve their conflicts and then one by one, my peers would come to me to seek guidance and resolutions to their conflicts.

I have done tons of research on what techniques are most effective in helping to foster healthy relationships. This will be an ongoing research for me as I have seen no 2 relationships are the same. My goal is to make our world a little more healthier, peaceful and happier because I have felt the suffering and struggles of others. Iā€™ve felt other people’s pain so crystal clear as if it were my own, it triggered me to be the person I am today. I do believe one person has the potential to change the whole world. Just like one domino falling and triggering a chain reaction or one drop in the ocean can ripple out causing a shift in the entire ocean. I still have so much hope for our world and I just know that one person can spark something and change the whole world for the better.

I look forward to helping as many people as I can and hopefully I will get to meet you. If I only help one person, then I hope I have helped to spark that person to ripple out what we need in our world most and that is a fierce and compassionate love for all people. You can contact me at www.essentialslifeliving.com and I’d love to connect with you. Hope you have a blessed day filled with lots of people, places and experiences that make you smile.

Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Spiritual Self and Environment

It is that time of year when people come out of hibernation. Spring is in the air! Take a look around seasonal changes are happening all around us. Here are some easy steps to spring clean your spiritual self and environment- a 3 part series.

Time to freshen up our spiritual self and environment. Letā€™s start with our home and our immediate environment.3partseries




Home and Environment Tips

  1. Declutter: Go through your closet/ your home. Take a look at all the things you have. If you are sorting through clothes ask yourself when was the last time i wore this? Do i love it? And if not you can Thank it and let it go. You can also sort it into three piles: keep/ maybe/ donate. This will also help you declutter your home with things that no longer serve you. Out with what does not serve you to make space for the new.
  2. Deep clean your home! Dust, vacuum, move furniture around to get under and around things! You donā€™t want to let the energy in your home get stagnate.Use chemical free cleaners. This will help raise the vibration of the house. In our homes we have swapped out many cleaners with just the one Young Living Thieves Cleaner and essential oils. I also add vinegar or baking soda to the Thieve cleaner for heavy duty cleaning or for vacuuming or mopping.
  3. Cleanse your home and yourself by smudging with Sage, Palo Santo or whatever you feel drawn to use to cleanse your space. Also, utilizing therapeutic grade essential oils, like the Brand Young Living, will clean and uplift the energy in your home so you can attract the people and experiences that are for your highest good. Fill a spray bottle with distilled water (or holy water) and add a few drops of either Palo Santo, Sage, Cypress, Frankincense, Idaho Balsam Fir or Fennel Essential oil (I have found that Young Living Essential Oils have a higher vibration and yield better results). Spray throughout your house and don’t forget the corners and behind doors, this is often where energy gets stagnant.
  4. Plants are great to have in and around your home. Plants help to detoxify the air in your home and promote a harmonious environment. They can also add to the add vibrant colors and energy. Water the plants as recommended per plant and if there are any dead leaves remove immediately. To increase the vitality and longevity of your plants, you can supplement them with Young Livingā€™s Essential Oil blend Purification.
  5. Crystals! Crystals defuse the light from the sun and project it into your home. Hang your crystal(s) in your window and when you open your curtains, you will be able to see how the crystal disperses light into the room. I would suggest a lighter color crystal so it could catch the sunlight and diffuse it throughout the house.
  6. Maintaining airflow in your home is a must. Having a diffuser or fan on keeps the flow of positive energy on going in your home. I would highly suggest you open up your windows every morning to allow the air to flow in. Air is an essential life force and this is one of the most important things to do to for your home.


Stay tuned forĀ Easy Steps to Spring Clean Your Spiritual Self and EnvironmentĀ Series 2: BodyĀ 


About our visiting writer/Ā collaboratorĀ Arlene:

Hello Beautiful People! Iā€™m so happy to be here with Rhona sharing tips, techniques and tools to Spring Cleaning your environment and most importantly, yourself!

But first, a little about me.

I am 100% a Southern California girl. I take advantage of the sunshine we have here and Iā€™m outside in nature most days. I love learning and Iā€™m always up for learning anything new. I really enjoy teaching people how to develop themselves spiritually, professionally and personally. I have had a passion for seeing people have healthy and harmonious relationships since I was very young. I can remember helping my friends resolve their conflicts and then one by one, my peers would come to me to seek guidance and resolutions to their conflicts.

I have done tons of research on what techniques are most effective in helping to foster healthy relationships. This will be an ongoing research for me as I have seen no 2 relationships are the same. My goal is to make our world a little more healthier, peaceful and happier because I have felt the suffering and struggles of others. Iā€™ve felt other people’s pain so crystal clear as if it were my own, it triggered me to be the person I am today. I do believe one person has the potential to change the whole world. Just like one domino falling and triggering a chain reaction or one drop in the ocean can ripple out causing a shift in the entire ocean. I still have so much hope for our world and I just know that one person can spark something and change the whole world for the better.

I look forward to helping as many people as I can and hopefully I will get to meet you. If I only help one person, then I hope I have helped to spark that person to ripple out what we need in our world most and that is a fierce and compassionate love for all people. You can contact me at www.essentialslifeliving.com and I’d love to connect with you. Hope you have a blessed day filled with lots of people, places and experiences that make you smile.

Positive Coping Skills


It is so important to learn positive coping skills. As a child I do not remember explicitly learning these positive coping skills but I’m sure I learned the basics “breathe” and “take a break”Ā these are things that everyone can benefit from- no matter how old or how young. Currently I use my background in behavior and essential oils to help supplement and support my coping skills.

Life is full of ups and downs- both joys and growing pains. For myself I feel like my early college years (it took my 12 years to complete my B.A in Human Development but thats a story for another time about resilience) were a time where I was fully exposed to labeling and identifying these coping skills. Sure, we’ve been told to breathe when we are mad or to take a break but I never really understood the importance of finding coping skills that worked for me. I began going to therapy andĀ was given some tools (coping skills) to use during stressful and overwhelming times. I felt like there was much for me to explore to help me cope. I learned to not be discouraged if you feel like something is not working for you, it takes practice and if you do feel like after some time you still aren’t feeling it then try and explore something else.

I am thankful that my dear friend has allowed me to share this info graphic with you. Please take a look at it and then follow along as I give examples of what I do for each.

Distraction: I allow myself a time frame to give myself a break this is so that I don’t go overboard and have my distraction become avoidance behaviors. Ā A great distraction for me is playing with my dog, walking my dog(really anything with my dog he is truly my emotional support animal), watching a light hearted or funny show, or cleaning (I feel so much better when my space is not cluttered and dirty).

A young living essential oil (YL EO): Lemon,Ā Stress Away or Peace and Calming I or II

A behavioral tip: is using priming or using a timer to a lot myself the time and prompt myself when it is over.

Grounding: Something that works for me is practicing yoga- I follow youtube videos because they can be done at anytime from home, guided meditations from apps or online or going right outside my home or out in nature like to the park or beach.

A young living essential oil (YL EO):Ā Grounding, or Frankincense, or Lavender

A behavioral tip: is usingĀ a visual prompt for the meditation or a reminder on my phone as a prompt to remember, environmental arrangements: placing my yoga mat out for easy access.

Emotional Release: Let’s be real. I’m a cryer. always have been and always will be. I found that after a good cry in the shower I feel sooooo much better. Something about the water washing away my tears and the sound and feel of the water is soothing. When I am feeling upset or down or basically anything besides happy I look for things that make me laugh whether it is from watching a show or looking up memes and funny shorts online. I just need a good laugh. Hugs! i love hugs! getting a nice long hug can be so beneficial to me.

A young living essential oil (YL EO):Ā Surrender or Orange

A behavioral tip: Prime yourself- allow yourself a time frame to let it all out this could be a half hour, a day, a week, etc. be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel these emotions and then let them go when they no longer serve you.

Access your higher self: Meditating, praying, sending out loving kindness, and doing random acts of kindness. This is something I don’t feel as confident about writing about because I am exploring this still.

A young living essential oil (YL EO):Ā Frankincense, Gratitude or Humility, or Highest Potential

A behavioral tip: Environmental arrangement: place these oils in a easy access spot for you to notice them and be prompted to use them.

Thought Challenge: I work on identifying negative self talk and reframe it or repeat affirmations to myself. An example of some negative talk that rotates is that “I am not good enough” when this comes up I immediately try to change it to “yes! I am good enough, I am enough.”

A young living essential oil (YL EO): Palo Santo, or Sage, or Grapefruit

A behavioral tip: Place post its all over your home with affirmations that you can read.

Self-love: YESSSSSS, I honor myself during times of stress and have learned to say “no” or “i can’t” when I just need time to myself to rest and recharge. This still becomes difficult for me because I have FOMO (fear of missing out) but I get over it because I need to honor what my body and self needs.

A young living essential oil (YL EO): Joy, or Lavender

A behavioral tip: Set up a jar where you can reinforcer yourself when you practice these positive coping skills use a dollar or how ever much you want at a time and when you accumulate enough you can use that money as an extra special Treat yo self fund- get a mani pedi, get a massage do something for your physical, emotional and spiritual self!

Hope this gives you ideas for moving forward with positive coping skills! Remember it takes time and practice to build these healthy habits. ā¤

Positive Coping Skills.png